Alisha Sommer | Essentials for Living

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Ten.Nine Hundred & Eighty-Seven

  1. Dark.

  2. Fruit Loops while the coffee brews.

  3. Morning pages. Reminding myself that I get to choose my mindset. I get to choose how I respond.

  4. These are the things I can do right now.

  5. BLTs. Lunch break. I like the working from home thing even though everyone else is also home. But efficiency. Comfort. Talking out loud to myself.

  6. The thing is now we have time but we can’t really spend it how we want to.

  7. Focaccia. Flour, salt, yeast, water. Nourishment. Gratitude that I’ve learned how to make so much with my own hands. I’ve learned how to make magic. “Kitchen Alchemy.” Whose words are those?

  8. I walk back into the yard to find a patch of sun. The smell of orange blossoms and lemon blossoms. The buzz of the bees. The olive tree is dying. When did the oregano die? I’ve missed so much.

  9. I ask him what the day is. He says it’s March 17th. He says that it’s funny, that he hadn’t even heard anyone say “St. Patrick’s Day” today. I laugh. It’s true. Nothing is the same.

  10. I giggle. Never again use the word “funky” to describe a wine.

  11. Hot bath. Needed this. What day is it even?