Alisha Sommer | Essentials for Living

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Ten.One Thousand, Two Hundred & Eighty-Two

  1. Sleep in.

  2. Soft sunrise.

  3. I make the bed completely and then turn down my side because I know I’m coming right back after I eat.

  4. Coffee and The Art of Living.

  5. Demo on a Saturday?

  6. Three-hour nap. I could go right back to bed. Instead, I get up and make more hot tea, sit and try to read more Alice Munro.

  7. Thinking about self and identity, regrets, and non-regrets.

  8. What is inherited? What is learned? What is chosen?

  9. Daydreams of a moderately-sized house on a big piece of land by the sea, and lots of sunlight and quiet and birdwatching.

  10. Trading riddles over FaceTime.