Alisha Sommer | Essentials for Living

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Ten.One Thousand, Two Hundred & Ninety-Seven

  1. Her light isn’t on yet. That means it’s still too early.

  2. I try to quiet the mind but all I can think of is what needs to be tomorrow: reschedule this, pay that, order that, source this, drop-off that.

  3. Sometimes the waves sound like a laugh track.

  4. This is just a part of the cycle where the truth is magnified. Everything is revealed again.

  5. Back down the valley. There is more laundry and I need more detergent.

  6. We pose questions, share thoughts, and truth. No answers. I like it when people are okay with not being right.

  7. I sit in the chair in the gray light. I should fold more laundry, but I just sit because I’m tired of doing all the laundry.

  8. Bitter.

  9. “What in the frikkity frak…” One of my favorite nights of the week.

  10. Why?