Ten.Two Thousand, Four Hundred & Six
I hear his alarm, which means it’s an hour later than I want it to be.
I stare out at the sunrise while in goddess pose and get excited about the longer stretches of light that come with spring.
Podcasts and emails and water and snacks.
I tell her that this parenting thing is so stressful. So stressful. How do we survive this?
It’s warm, the sun is out, and so are the people. Feels like a smile on the inside.
The first thing I do when we sit is slather a piece of bread with butter and start to eat. Lately, I feel so hungry.
Two wint-o-green mints in the front pocket.
I realize that the problem is I’ve developed some new kinds of coping mechanisms that I don’t like.
Not knowing if what you think is the right thing is really the right thing.