Ten.Three Hundred & Twenty-Four

1. Sundays are my favorite days. And this morning, with its slight chill, and the slowly waking sun feels like Spring.

2. Baked potatoes. I need to start the coffee. First, I drink water.

3. But yes, I think I am going to start them soon. First I need oils.

4. Chicken is dry-brining in the fridge. I lay down with them for a few minutes, my eyes closing. I promised her I'd take her to go get some clothes so I can't really fall asleep. But this right here, sandwiched between the two of them, for only a few moments feels good. 

5. She really did need the clothes. I wish I had more time to shop for myself. Just a tiny bit. But all five of us are here and it I just want to get back home. 

6. I text him a question and he calls me back and we talk for an hour. He tells me what to buy from Sally's.  

7. I've been wanting this Spark Session for a while. I've admired what Lauren does and have gained wisdom from the things she shares on her Instagram. The 75 minutes is fast but just long enough for her to get me to the meat of one of my needs. I need community. 

8. The action steps are challenging. By challenging I don't mean impossible, but they definitely will push me out of my comfort zone. What strikes me most is how much asking I will need to do. And I can feel how uncomfortable it's making me. The idea of all of this asking. Asking for leads on jobs, asking for time alone, asking for people to give me or lead me to other resources that will help me grow. 

9. He asks me what my exit plan is for this hairstyle. I suppose I can just shave it all off and start over. 

10. Someone's car alarm is going off in the distance. I know it's early but it feels late. My armpits are itching and burning; an allergic reaction to the deodorant I think. I need to find something else natural. I haven't been this uncomfortable in a long time. I clean my armpits with soap and water and change my shirt. Just enough relief to ease into sleep. 


Ten.Three Hundred & Twenty-Five


Ten.Three Hundred & Twenty-Three