The This, Words alisha sommer The This, Words alisha sommer

Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Seventy-Two

  1. Thursday.

  2. Thick skies. Cool. But it will be hot again.

  3. 67 days. So many decisions to be made.

  4. Every day, I park in front of these vines and take a picture of the grapes.

  5. Chicken Ceasar salad and white chocolate macadamia nut cookie.

  6. Something in the air. Messages flying all around about who misses whom.

  7. It’s not symmetrical. That’s the problem.

  8. Cool breezes and frog song.

  9. Too tired to make decisions. Too many decisions to make to be tired.

  10. Thre’s enough time.

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The This, Words alisha sommer The This, Words alisha sommer

Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Seventy-One

  1. That was better than nothing, but I could use another five hours in bed.

  2. I can feel it running through my body. All is in vibration.

  3. French press of decaf. Streaks of sunlight across the table.

  4. Twenty minutes is better than no minutes.

  5. She read a poem. That seems appropriate for her. I grab a chunk of carrot cake before I leave.

  6. What is this reaction? What is it trying to tell me?

  7. Duck fat fries and a salad. A few sips of Chardonnay. Cool breeze in the shade.

  8. When you look at something so many times, you can’t see it anymore.

  9. It’s only Wednesday.

  10. “Be yourself.”

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The This, Words alisha sommer The This, Words alisha sommer

Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Seventy

  1. How is the alarm going off already?

  2. Zero hours. Caffeine is a non-negotiable at this point.

  3. I walk onto the crush pad and see the stacks of bins full of grapes. I keep myself from grabbing a few to pop into my mouth. I think about what it would be like to work a day or two of harvest. There is not enough time anymore.

  4. Power is out on one half of Main Street so we have tacos instead - one shrimp and one carnitas.

  5. There is still so much to be done for this project.

  6. I think I am falling asleep in this meeting. I thought I got one of the sugary drinks but it’s just flavored water. I shouldn’t eat anymore snacks.

  7. Purple shorts and the kind of energy you would expect from a person who wears purpleshorts.

  8. Even just 20 minutes.

  9. Four days.

  10. It’s only Tuesday.

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The This, Words alisha sommer The This, Words alisha sommer

Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Sixty-Nine

  1. Monday meditation in bed.

  2. Purple grapes. A few crispy leaves. Clear blue sky.

  3. If we can just laugh a little more.

  4. It’s only 10:30 in the morning, and I can already feel the heat.

  5. Everything is coming together so beautifully. It’s a beautiful space. A beautiful place.

  6. He says he’s going to actually try this year because everyone is on him to try more. Like who? Everyone.

  7. Maybe in another life, I could do website stuff.

  8. I better start reading.

  9. Keep buying into the fairytales.

  10. “Being an artist means to be continually asking, ‘How can it be better?’ whatever it is. It may be your art, and it may be your life.” - The Creative Act: A Way of Being

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The This, Words alisha sommer The This, Words alisha sommer

Ten.Two Thousand, Two Hundred & Sixty-Eight

  1. The inbetween.

  2. Finding my balance. Feeling my strength.

  3. Maybe I should pursue that idea after all?

  4. I drive him up the hill to the gym. Inside the gym are a bunch of adult men running up and down the courts and a handful of boys standing on the sidelines waiting to get on. I take myself and my hiking shoes back home for a walk on the trails.

  5. I always say the same thing: Just give me more notice.

  6. Late. And trying not to be upset about being late.

  7. No. Not Patrick.

  8. Today’s A is much better than yesterday’s D-.

  9. What decisions do I need to make today for what I want tomorrow?

  10. Find the gift.

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