Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Seventy-Two
I make myself get up even though I’ve only had 3 hours of sleep. Today is not the right day to take off. But I feel better this morning than I did last night.
They don’t usually call me so I better answer the phone.
If I had a nickel for every time someone told me that they are friends of or know of someone important…
Warm office. Hot tea. Standing at the desk. No construction noise today.
Who’s going to be the adult in this situation today?
Limp salad.
A quick stop by her office. Much-needed laughter.
I tell her that the reason they talk to us so much is because we’ve been so gracious and kind, and that while the challenges seem to be growing each year, look at our evergrowing patience.
Even he gets it but the others are not putting two and two together.
Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Seventy-One
Game day. I really need some more red.
He obliges and lets me take a picture. I forgot black socks. I don’t really shop for menswear.
Relishing the quiet of being the first one in.
I tell her it’s my one good deed of the day. And if that is the case, then I’m glad this is it.
She sends us a picture of a set of three chicks in scarves. Two white and one brown. We laugh. I hope she bought them.
Gloves on, open air, laughter.
I’m starting to feel the stretch.
I am always trying not to jinx myself.
Not what I expected.
A learning moment for every one.
Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Seventy
Monday and Monday’s uniform.
“Seek lofty ideas, and illumination will be close at hand.”
This pumpkin-spiced creamer was a mistake.
What even is this question?
I could claw my own eyeballs out.
The only thing about not being in the office on these days is that I actually do miss seeing them.
That was disappointing. Maybe I just need more tape?
That fluttery feeling is back. Maybe it’s the coffee? Maybe it’s the reduced hours of sleep. Maybe it’s the medicine. Maybe, maybe, maybe.
This time with them makes me so happy even when my patience is being tested.
Go to sleep.
Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Sixty-Nine
Yoga day!
I stare out over the golf course and watch a white crane float over and around and above the willow tree. So peaceful.
Every chapter I listen to makes me rethink everything.
“Stamped from the Beginning.”
Four out of seven completed.
I think of time, the passage of time, and the shifting shape of time, and what I am doing with it. How has it served me? Or have I been serving it?
Don’t forget your magic.
Craving cassoulet.
Learning to not read too much into things.
They’ll be here soon.
Ten.Two Thousand, One Hundred & Sixty-Eight
A Saturday that feels like a Sunday.
Don’t forget to bake the brownies.
Just when you think you’ve seen it all, then there’s this.
Awfully close to the double yellow line.
It is warmer than I thought it would be. I had two jackets and gloves but I’m already taking off one layer.
Four Thousand Weeks.
How am I supposed to take notes?
I promise them that this is the last day of leftovers. Note to self: make less sides.
Third time’s a charm?