1. It's a Sunday morning and so the gentle ping of the golfers teeing off is steady.
2. I see the deer, mom and baby, way off in the distance—just the tops of their heads through the tall prairie grass.
3. Think about where you're holding back.
4. Focus and Consistency. How am I already 30 days into this? It feels like I just started last week. These 10. My morning pages. Breathing. Meditation. The sum of these things and everything else that's fallen away.
5. I still need to work on boundaries. We'll have a talk at dinner.
6. Sometimes I think we should have tried to get that house on 1.5 acres.
7. But we are here now. And this newness is odd for everyone. The rules are not the same.
8. Salmon and buerre rouge and risotto. Spinach.
9. This documentary. It's spoken almost entirely in French. It's a funny thing to read a movie. I like it. It challenges the brain. Plus I am beginning to learn French. Everything sounds better in French.
10. Qu'est-ce que le vin? Qu'est ce que la vie?