1. The morning light is bright. They've all been awake for some time.
2. I make myself a bowl of lucky charms for breakfast. The level of joy this gives me is almost silly. But sometimes we need things like this to bring us back down again.
3. We head out to the farmer's market for two things: fruit for a pie and some local honey. We settle on these big peaches the color of sunset and I grab a jar with a tiny bit of comb inside it to use in my tea.
4. I begin to prep the chickens. First I line the pans with parchment paper and then add the racks. Then I cut out the backs, lay them flat onto the racks and cover them in a generous amount of kosher salt before I stick them into the fridge. While I'm doing that he chops the herbs for the butter rub and then peels and slices the peaches. I take off the latex gloves and wash my hands and make the lattice for the pie while he polishes the wine glasses. We are quiet and methodical.
5. There's enough time for me to play soccer in the yard with him again and we take a short scooter ride around the neighborhood. I am sweaty and tired but I'm trying to make time for this.
6. We begin with water and Gouguenhiem Sparkling Malbec. Dinner is the Pinot Noir. After dinner we drink some late harvest Riesling.
7. We speak the ways friends who've known one another for a long time speak. It's conversations full of ease and laughter and sometimes hard stuff. It's just nice when you speak the same heart language.
8. He's had way too many Manhattans to wake up at a reasonable time tomorrow morning.
9. It's almost 11 when they leave. I am tired, full of roasted chicken and peach pie and probably too much wine.
10. I pray that the kids sleep in tomorrow. And that they won't be mad about having to eat lucky charms again for breakfast.