Ten.One Hundred & Forty-Five

1. Double batch of granola and a little bit of coffee before we head to the quarter.

2. Elysian Fields. 

3. We get to Cafe Du Monde in just enough time to grab two tables together. The way the waitress says "baby." The powdered sugar everywhere; I shake some of it off the plate into my cafe au lait.

4. We walk into Jackson Square (I thought they were supposed to be taking down the Confederate statues?), pass some street artists and then the fortune tellers that sit in front of the Cabildo, before heading down Pirate's Alley. 

5. Faulkner House books. I grab a collection of poetry by Tennessee Williams.

6. We split up for a bit so that I can head to the little postal shop on Bourbon Street where they sell the kind of postcards I like. I pick up a few that make me think of my dear ones who love this place just as much as I do.

7. 18 different personalities is a lot to hold. There are all of these overlapping triangles. 

8. I am a milder version of her. 

9. I am my mother's daughter. What is biological? What is learned? What is it that stays dormant for so many years? Why does it all come out at once sometimes?

10. The cold is still sticking around. I'm almost certain I've reached sinus infection stage. I make a cup of sleepy-time tea and head up to bed. I wanted to make coffee cake for tomorrow. 


Ten.One Hundred & Forty-Six


Ten.One Hundred & Forty-Four