Ten.One Hundred & Sixty-Eight
1. It's hard to ignore the bite of winter cold.
2. My sinuses still feel a little congested. I think the other cause of this fatigue is just the linger infection. It's just that I don't want to get antibiotics.
3. I should probably just go get some antibiotics.
4. She's upset because the biscuits are small. Not because they are burnt, which is definitely what bothered me, but because they are small.
5. The number of times a week I have to tell her to fix her face. But she is just like me in this way: we wear our emotions in our eyes.
6. One day I want to learn how to brew kombucha.
7. Fresh cut fries and ketchup sometimes do the trick. As does a cup of decaf coffee.
8. Dinner is a hodgepodge of leftovers that no one is excited about but everyone eats. A little bit of mom guilt tries to surface but I dust it away.
9. Cherry Pie.
10. He sees me.