Ten.Three Hundred & Twelve
1. I just can’t sleep with him in here.
2. I grab my phone so that I’ll have an alarm and head to his bed, pull back the covers and get in.
3. But of course I don’t fall back asleep.
4. So much light at 6 am. This is what I love about summer. The delicious and expansive feeling of time.
5. These are my favorite kinds of streets. The kinds with old houses and big trees and large flowering bushes.
6. Feels so good to be back in a circle with them.
7. All this sunlight makes me feel inspired.
8. I tell her that I’m trying to hold onto the feeling of abundance that the experience has given me.
9. I think up an idea. And I know if I don’t text her right now, I never will.
10. Getting over the fear of intimate and true communication. How healing it can be.