Ten.Three Hundred & Fifty-Three
1. I can tell by the opaqueness of the sky that it will be another hot day. This is one morning where I won't be too cold for yoga in the basement.
2. A big black bird descends into the window well to eat a slug. It leaps up and out to go do whatever it does with a slug.
3. Mapping.
4. I write about the things I do instead of writing and decide that for the next 45 minutes I’m going to just write whatever comes up.
5. I write a page of questions to ask her; five haiku, a few pages about trusting myself.
6. We catch up on life and on Fever Dreams and on other projects. I tell her that the book did indeed change my life.
7. We head to the library. I find another herb book and pick up The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin.
8. More dates added.
9. Old John Mayer and a painfully late dinner.
10. Breathing.