Ten.Four Hundred & Fourteen
1. What I remember most about the dream is how in love I was and that his house had no foundation—it was propped up on stilts.
2. Bacon too crispy. Hash browns too crispy. Kids made because there is not enough time for everyone to play x-box before the showing.
3. I'm moving slowly because I'm waiting too long to drink my coffee. I take a minute in the kitchen to catch my breath and relax. I have plenty of time. There is plenty of time.
4. Out we go again.
5. We ride in silence. I think of the words to the prayer and try to remember as many as I can but I can't remember them all so I just try to feel them with my heart. I think that matters too—the condition of the heart.
6. I forgot to water the garden.
7. Somone is very interested. It's hard to manage your expectations and emotions when you hear that someone is very interested. It's hard not to let it take over your head. I take the book and go to the alcove and try to finish it. I do. But not without having to redirect my attention every 5 minutes.
8. The way the heat traps itself in these stone corners. I can feel a breeze against my toes and my knees but the upper half of my body sweats.
9. I am only in control of me. Things I can do going forward: send more "thank you" cards; write letters; be extra gracious when in their company; not hold their politics against them; be more firm in my boundaries and trust my own truth.
10. Butternut Squash and bacon pasta never fails.