Ten.Four Hundred & Seventy
Frost on the grass.
This morning: coffee in Naperville; meet stager to drop off left-behind artwork; see if the eye doctor can fix her glasses; mentally prepare for a week of solo parenting and travel.
Amber light filling the foyer.
I make the waffle mix, macerate some strawberries, and melt butter. Coffee and a big glass of water.
The drive into Naperville is easy and quick. I find a parking spot right in fight of the hotel.
Chemex for me. She brings the baby and its so good to her and him in the flesh. We catch up on life and the challenges of motherhood. I’ve had this conversation a lot this year: how do we navigate these shifts in identity? In life? Where is there room to grieve lost ideals and dreams? No one tells you that motherhood is lonely, too.
They’re diverting traffic through the neighborhood. Must be an accident.
I go out to clip some rosemary. I probably ought to pull out the rest of these plants.
The sizzle of the pot roast in dutch oven.
Tomorrow from 3:30-5:30.