Ten.Six Hundred & Ten
Biscuits for them. Hard-boiled eggs with pickled beet horseradish.
The rocking chair has just the right amount of creakiness.
The trowel. We make a u-turn and dig around in the garage for a trowel. A trowel.
I do love seeing her face. October will come soon but I wish it was sooner. We’re coming up on a year since the last gathering. This next one…I’m so ready for the next one.
So many beautiful things and yet I feel so out of place. But yes, please. This high-waisted jumper. And an ivory leather sofa.
Chateau d’Yquem. Yes, more of this please.
Surprisingly good.
See you in the morning. See you in the morning? Are you sure? What I want to say is that I’m 99.9% sure that she will see me in the morning. But I also know that there is a chance that I might not. Of course I wouldn’t dare say that out loud but I always think it. I sincerely do hope I see you again in the morning. And I hope the day I don’t doesn’t come too soon.
How do I get Moira Rose’s wardrobe?