Ten.Six Hundred & Sixteen
Time has changed.
Biscuit with butter and jelly and a cup of coffee. Not much time to read since time has escaped me this morning.
Putting it down. I don’t need to carry this.
There’s something about the voice. How it gets to this shrieking tone or pitch. It’s distracting.
Oh, good. I’m out in the lounge today. I wanted the fresh air today.
Here comes the rain. I watch the leaves of the palm trees sway. The sound of rain hitting the overhang. The sound of water in the downspout.
There has to be a way to make this run more efficiently.
I am always the first to leave but I don’t mind it. I’m the only one with a husband and kids back home.
14 days.
No ease. When will it return? How does one invited it back? Must something else go? Must something else change? Is it even truly possible? Is ease also a myth like balance?