Ten.Six Hundred & Fifty-Six
It’s officially tank top weather here and I love it.
Before I begin making my list, I write the intention at the top of the page: More veggies and fruits, lighter on the gluten and dairy.
Okay, okay. Let’s go get some wine. It’s a holiday weekend. I talk him out of going all the way to Berkley and we settle on Walnut Creek instead.
I tell him that one of the things that would keep me from moving here is overhearing a conversation like this. “We couldn’t have this conversation if a woman was here….What he said was, ‘Women aren’t as good as men at science and that’s why they aren’t in those positions and I mean, he got crucified for it….My wife says she has to work twice as hard to get the same recognition as her male counterparts….She says she needs to leave the company because it isn’t friendly to working women. What does she mean? I’m surrounded by women in the workplace.”
I want to turn around, walk over to the table, and slap their middle-aged-white-male-fragile-sexist-racist-classist faces. I stuff olives into my mouth instead.
“This is your first summer here, right? It' gets really hot.”
Denim dress. I opt not to belt it for comfort.
Date night. Paloma. Delamotte Brut. Shrimp, salad, porkchop. brownie. It’s almost there.
Pastel colors in the sky. Home before the sun has fully set.
The work never ends.