Ten.Seven Hundred & Seven

  1. I should probably go back and check the numbers for this thing. But by now, it’s really not about the numbers, is it?

  2. Donuts. I really wish they had a caramel and not a maple.

  3. Everyone is sleeping in. There is not enough of a breeze for the windows to be open.

  4. Does this even make sense?

  5. I start it over again because it is that good. Because it reminds me of who I really am.

  6. If it’s going to be this hot, I’m glad that it’s this slow.

  7. It turns out that many people have heard of Naperville. I miss that place. But I also don’t. But I also really do.

  8. Another teary-eyed lunch break.

  9. “Do I want to be that person, or do I want to more fully inhabit and become this person I have been being?” - Jericho Brown

  10. We are home.


Ten.Seven Hundred & Eight


Ten.Seven Hundred & Six