Ten.Seven Hundred & Fifty-Seven
I open and close my jaw slowly.
Back to school. 3, 4, 6.
No one seems to be hungry for breakfast. Back to no television and they are bored, bored, bored. I suppose they could have all slept a little longer.
“Please, tv?” No.
This is the kind of slow down on Vasco I hear people complain about but this is the first time I’ve ever experienced it. I’ll be late to tasting group. But the good thing about slowing down is that I am seeing things I’ve never seen before and that is always a good thing.
“I’ve come to the conclusion that, actually, finding the right forms of language has real effects in the world.” - Jonathan Rowson
Sauvignon Blanc.
“Because desire is to own the wanting — that’s one way of looking at it. And in order to own something, there needs to be a sovereign self that is free to choose and, of course, feels worthy of wanting and feels worthy of receiving. That’s why desire is so intimately connected with a sense of self-worth.” - Ester Perel
Back in the car.
New shoes and ice cream. Day one of no tv.