Ten.Eight Hundred & Forty-One

  1. Thank goodness for sons who bake muffins the night before thus relieving you from any pressure to make a breakfast this morning.

  2. Looking for the light.

  3. How is it that the last 30 minutes always goes by so much fast than the first 90 minutes?

  4. We are slowed to a stop and so I grab my phone to take a picture. There is nothing there but a big oak tree and a hill and the sky. But in this moment it seems worthy of capturing.

  5. I know my head is not where it should be. I am here but I am not.

  6. She gets the kind of text that no mother every wants to recieve.

  7. Then I realize that the only person who is working on this is me. Which is not a problem. It’s just that I think it will be me and me only doing this one particular thing that I really am not very good at. No. Not that I couldn’t be good at it, it’s just that it’s outside of my comfort zone.

  8. It’s almost November.

  9. I realize that really, I just miss my friends. All of them. I remember telling her that I think I’m going to be okay this winter because I work in an office and I’ll be around people and that they’re nice people. But the truth is that I miss my friends. There isn’t anyone yet that can just come over for coffee or check out the yoga class at the YMCA, or eat lunch at the tea house.

  10. I let myself feel it all.


Ten.Eight Hundred & Forty-Two


Ten.Eight Hundred & Fourty