Ten.Eight Hundred & Forty-Nine
I don’t want to wake up but I know it’s time to wake up even though the alarm hasn’t gone off yet.
Beloved oil.
Gratitudes for leftovers that are lunch for the week.
I trade in the audiobook for Lizzo and it seems like the right move for a day like today. I needed a boost.
I catch the guy in the car next to mine looking at me. I just smile. Yes. It’s possible to be this happy on a Wednesday morning while sitting in rush hour traffic.
I remind myself that this is an evolving process and, ultimately, not something that is crucial. So there is room for experimentation.
She says that maybe “empowerment” will be a theme going forward and that sounds progressive.
Hummingbird friend. Must figure out the name of this plant. It looks like some kind of salvia.
I mean, I could not do any of this at all.
Wal-Mart after dinner on the night before Halloween.