Ten.Eight Hundred & Eighty-Two

  1. Just a few more minutes.

  2. Biscuits but not enough milk to make gravy.

  3. Everyone seems to be upset about having to return to the normal routine. We have only 3 weeks before another 2 weeks off. I remind them that they’re barely in school.

  4. I crest the hill and am met with a curtain of gray clouds and fog. It’s dramatic and moody and I wish I could pull over and take out my camera. This is a different color scheme, one of muted browns and grays and deep green. An ever-changing landscape.

  5. We both agree that something isn’t quite right. She has the language for it; I just have the feeling. We develop a plan.

  6. The time is flying by today and that’s a good thing. I make myself a big mug of tea scented with orange and honey and cinnamon.

  7. Oh, yeah.

  8. Unknown. I know who it is.

  9. Another wave of guilt. Another wondering if I shouldn’t have just made a different choice.

  10. We opt for a smaller tree and In-n-Out for dinner. Gratitudes.


Ten.Eight Hundred & Eighty-Three


Ten. Eight Hundred & Eighty-One