Alisha Sommer | Essentials for Living

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Ten.Eight Hundred & Ninety-Four

  1. A little bit of sleeping in.

  2. The sound of the coffee and the keys. The hum of the refrigerator. I warm up last night’s brussel sprouts for my breakfast. I’m craving something savory and substantial.

  3. He wants me to take off the whole week of Christmas and then I think about how that means I would lose two days of pay and that I should just suck it up and go in for those days. And then I realize that this is how capitalism functions.

  4. Everyone seems to think that the solution is to just make more money. It’s much harder to make the conscious choice to consume less. But there is no perfect answer, no perfect way.

  5. Done.

  6. I begin to undo the braids. I am not looking forward to the work required tomorrow. She is adamant that they com out today and be redone. She’s not wrong. I just don’t want to do it.

  7. No rest for the weary.

  8. I look him dead in the eye and tell him to stay out of the pan. I know he’s the one sneaking bites. How can someone so tall and sometimes uncoordinated be so stealthy in his pilfering of sweets?

  9. “But communication with Humans was always incomplete.” - Adulthood Rites

  10. So sleepy.