Ten.Nine Hundred & Nine
I walk around to each bedroom and make sure the alarm clocks are off.
So much making to do today. His 12th birthday. First, another batch of drop biscuits to accompany the omelettes and sausage and gravy.
No one is eating the biscuits.
Then I realize that she can’t find anything likes because I’ve already told her that she can’t have what she wants. But seriously, how can one pass up on these mauve New Balances? Or the black Pumas with gold specks?
I go along for the ride to get the burgers. It’s much cheaper when you skip the shakes.
I start on the cake. Seems simple enough. So thin. Meringue spread across the top?
Twelve years. A mother for 12 years. How is that even possible?
Did I really just sit here for an hour and fifteen minutes? But it wasn’t exactly a waste of time. I did learn a few things. And some of what makes me uncomfortable is actually an opportunity for growth. Wait. Do I actually believe that?
One more day.