Ten.Nine Hundred & Twelve

  1. It’s clear in the dream that she means for me to do something other than this but she needs to figure out what it is.

  2. Bowl of Lucky Charms. Cup of coffee. New day. New year. New planner.

  3. I want to listen to the message she left for me but Voxer is not working. Nothing is. Not even the podcast app. I guess I will have to be okay with my own thoughts.

  4. We need a culture fit.

  5. Bright sun. Mount Diablo. It’s quiet even though there are lots of people out. He’s running with no shoes on, nothing on his feet. His smile is wide.

  6. Someone keeps putting dish soap in the fountain. Big white walls of stiff bubbles.

  7. More tomato soup.

  8. I begin to understand the method and yes, this could be really effective. This could be exciting.

  9. Why the screaming, though? What could possibly warrant that kind of blood-curdling scream? This is why I won’t let them play in the house.

  10. “Self-esteem demands that you judge yourself positively. Confidence demands that you do not judge yourself at all.”


Ten.Nine Hundred & Thirteen


Ten.Nine Hundred & Eleven