Ten.Nine Hundred & Ninety-Nine

  1. The first thing I do is check his temperature. Normal.

  2. Must drink more water. I can feel a little soreness in my sides from last night’s quick yoga flow. I welcome it.

  3. He brings me my coffee. I want to start drinking right away but know I must have some food in my stomach. I find a bosc pear, sweet but still crisp. I think I like these pears because of the color of their skin; it reminds me of an old oil painting. This sounds weird, but eating art is a thing.

  4. I log in to listen to their coffee chat, not to lurk, but to be present. I tell them that I just want to listen. It’s just good to see and hear people in real-time.

  5. I need to write.

  6. I didn’t think of the alarm I would raise.

  7. I stop her message so that I can journal. What she’s saying is making 10 light bulbs go off in my head. I need to stop and do it now.

  8. We meander along the roads. It’s nice that the traffic is so light. You can ride in the middle of the road most of the time. Freedom.

  9. I choose to sit in one of the chairs on the tiny concrete pad at the rear of the yard. This is where the sun is. The chorus bees. The thrum of the hummingbirds’ wings. These are the only sounds.

  10. I tell him about her message and what I end up realizing in my journaling process and that really what I need to exercise in these moments is compassion.


Ten.One Thousand


Ten.Nine Hundred & Ninety-Eight