Ten.One Thousand & Forty-Eight

  1. The cooing of pigeons. They are so loud in their nests tucked between solar panels.

  2. Gray skies. Rain and wind in today’s forecast. A cleansing is coming.

  3. So many little ones in the grass today, I dare not step into the lawn to visit the plants out of fear that I may crush one.

  4. Two biscuits. I gotta stop making these if I’m the only one eating them.

  5. Location, Flavor, Aroma, Balance, ABV, SRM, IBU.

  6. The streets are quieter than I expected after what seemed like a rather boisterous Saturday in the neighborhood. I make notes to self: plant jasmine in the next house—maybe add an arbor of bougainvillea too; get yourself somewhere with a better view; but maybe I just need to belong to myself first.

  7. What am I thinking?

  8. It looks like rain. I feel a drop of water on my cheek. The clouds are now a milky gray, obscuring the sun. I head back inside. The sun returns. Of course.

  9. “And what’s new for me, or at least what I’m seeing differently as a mom is that even living in a place long viewed as a progressive enclave won’t save your family.” - Dani McClain, We Live for the We: The Political Power of Black Motherhood

  10. I remember the day I came to that realization. When the real fear of parenting was no longer about whether or not I would pick the right preschool or school district for my child, but whether or not I could truly keep them safe.

  11. Coffee table jazz station on Spotify. Red wine in a stemless glass. “Die Wise,” “We Live for the We,” “California Calling.” The sounds of the television creeping in. The night breeze caressing my bare ankles. Too many open tabs.


Ten.One Thousand & Forty-Nine


Ten.One Thousand & Forty-Seven