Ten.One Thousand & Fifty

  1. So cool. Bird song. Time to get up.

  2. I spy three snails on the wet slate tiles.

  3. Unmotivated. I sip my coffee while stretched out on the chaise. Not unmotivated. Maybe slightly overwhelmed.

  4. Moving boxes and adjusting sizes and making thing fit. Deciding that this is a limitation I am unwilling to fight through. Let it be easy.

  5. She seems sad that Iā€™m relocating myself back to the office. In time, I will most likely be here with them at the table.

  6. The sound of the wind blowing through the palm trees.

  7. We go to the park. There are very few people: a mother and son beside their bikes; a mother who is staring into her phone while her older daughter and son play with a ball and bat; the landscapers breaking for lunch; a food truck. The three of us have mitts, the fourth a basketball.

  8. I find my rhythm.

  9. Passed. On to the next.

  10. Raft Jonquille. Sticking my upper-body in the sun to stay warm. Good things come in threes.


Ten.One Thousand & Fifty-One


Ten.One Thousand & Forty-Nine