Ten.One Thousand & Fifty-Three
I linger in the bed and watch for the light. The crows are very loud.
Today is my favorite day because of the magic of our little writing circle.
Side project on top of side project. I’m glad she wants to do this. It’s good to have something that excites you.
The sun reflecting off the neighbor’s house and into the room making a small corner of light.
She says she still has more work to do for her project. I sigh. But she’s doing it. In her own time, working at her own pace.
The magic of a collective. I have to think of a way to thank her for making this space. And to thank the rest of them for showing up.
I can tell by his body language.
I get excited about the email but then we decide that the last thing a kid who doesn’t like school wants to hear is that he was chosen to do an accelerated program. We laugh.
Perfect spring day.
To lemon bar, or not to lemon bar.