Ten.One Thousand & Seventy-One

  1. Maybe what I needed was a good night of sleep.

  2. Leftover rice and baby bok choy for breakfast. Coffee. Photography book for morning reading.

  3. This is a little better.

  4. Yes. Much better today.

  5. I collect more of the fallen plums, tossing the some into a bucket for compost and gently placing others into a bowl for the jam. I think I finally have enough to get started.

  6. I pit the plums. Flesh and juice run down my fingers, make my wrists sticky. I cover the fruit with sugar and I add cinnamon because I love cinnamon and it seems appropriate even though the recipe doesn’t mention it.

  7. He reads me the email. Still, my gut tells me, “no.”

  8. They say they are thinking of Florida, it’s too expensive for them to be here. I worry that I can’t fast-track my vision. Things happen in their own time. Whatever is most right.

  9. The anger comes from fear; fear from lack of understanding; lack of understanding from avoidance of pain. We are so very good at avoiding.

  10. I will eventually get around to those text messages.


Ten.One Thousand & Seventy-Two


Ten.One Thousand & Seventy