Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Three

  1. Hot. Already.

  2. What is it about a freshly made bed that makes everything seem so better?

  3. Why do I make biscuits when no one else eats them? I take a hot one right off the pan and slice it open; a thin pat of butter, a thin smear of plum jam.

  4. I thank her for the conversation. I need to have more conversations like these, with people who are asking themselves deeper questions.

  5. What would it feel like to do the bare minimum? What is the problem with doing the bare minimum if the minimum is enough?

  6. But today I do have time for her to tell me all the things.

  7. Go with the gut. Gut says, “treehouse.”

  8. Golden hills studded with green tree-tops and black cows. Wide skies.

  9. 2017 Moric Blaufränkisch, cheeseburger, duck fat fries, cool breezes, people watching. I like the slowness and the quiet of everything but also know that this kind of slow is not good for anyone’s business.

  10. Ruelle-Pertois Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru Brut.

  11. I seem to be the only worried about this. But this is not my burden.


Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Four


Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Two