Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Ten
The little bit of added joy of knowing there is no work to do.
I look up and remember that I have a 7am call. Ha.
Coffee. I should probably not eat only stone fruit all day but these nectarines.
I roll on the lavender and rub in a little bit of her lotion. This sets the tone for the day.
When you feel so excited about the work that it doesn’t feel like work. It does, but it doesn’t.
Her face. Her laugh. I can’t wait to see her again. Who knows when that will be.
Blueberry laychee on crackers and another nectarine. Half a can of Hogwash rosé. Travel & Leisure.
I worry that the way I’ve written it will sound rude. No. I’m just clearly stating a boundary. Yet, I am still too concerned with niceness.
Always learning.