Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Twelve
I don’t have to get up.
The slow leaking of light into the room.
Coffee and a clean kitchen.
9:30 came fast.
But really, we have done quite a lot in a very short amount of time and that is fantastic.
We watch some kind of cooking competition with Carla Hall while I do her hair before softball. I can tell by the way they are talking that it doesn’t taste any good.
Radical Candor. Integrity. Transparency. Passion and patience. What do I have the power to impact? What am I empowered to do? Productive conflict. Uncomfortable silence. Building a culture of trust. What’s the win-win in this situation? Let go to grow. It’s always about people first but people are never at fault. But are we willing to have courageous conversations?
Grateful for access to this kind of conversation.
I look at the email for 10 minutes and I still spot a typo right after I send it. Recall. Hopefully it is okay.
No soup for you.