Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Forty-Three

  1. Waiting for coffee.

  2. Hazy gray giving way to pale orange. Quiet.

  3. I cover my eyes.

  4. I sit in the chair and try to work and then remember that he has to be on zoom. Oh yeah, school.

  5. I cry a little.

  6. But, I am incredibly surprised at his compliance.

  7. I hear him say that he doesn’t have the cards, that he left them at home. I send an email to all of the teachers: all we took was the chromebooks.

  8. I want a book.

  9. I cry a little more.

  10. There is no where to go, to take them into.

  11. At least we have more underwear.

  12. I read the email exchanges. People are just worried and that is fair.

  13. I close my eyes to fend off the headache.

  14. He says that it is possible to care too much about the wrong thing.

  15. I order the same thing. Comfort in repetition.

  16. All the stars.


Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Forty-Four


Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Forty-Two