Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Sixty-Three
Will the sky be better today?
I won’t take the light for granted ever again. And maybe that’s the real lesson. It was not about how to start the generator on your own, but how to appreciate all of what we take for granted.
Coffee, banana. Four pieces of bacon in the oven. Looking out the window to see if maybe the sky might look different today.
Her face and her voice and her happiness. I miss her so much.
I tell her that I feel like I’m being punished for being a mother first. Maybe it’s just a sign.
Show and tell. I am trying not to think about this being her last week here.
She’s literally the ideal customer, saying every single bullet point in the presentation.
I can’t tell if the ash is still falling or if it just keep falling off the car into my face.
Amaro soda. Love it? Hate it?
Fried chicken and champagne and a tangy potato salad dotted with flowers. Only in California.
I’m still sad that I didn’t get it.
What’s next? Dream big.