Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Seventy-Three
4:00 am. Right. Because it was set to weekdays only.
I’m awake now so no since fighting it.
Mapping out the week. It is a lot, but it is actually manageable.
This sweater though. I might wear it every day. I should have gotten it in black, too. Note to self: see if you can order it online.
Group texts. I am already missing this experience and it’s not even over yet. I just feel like I need more time.
I realize that I’m projecting. She’s completely capable of making her own decisions.
Just freaking do your math sheets.
The word “risk” keeps coming up in conversation. “It was a calculated risk.” “We have a high tolerance for risk.” “With great risk, there can be great reward.” “This is a calculated risk.”
I can barely keep my eyes open at dinner.
All of it is worth it.