Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Seventy-Eight

  1. Still so dark.

  2. We make the coffee. He tells me to relax and enjoy it. We watch the sun rise behind the trees, turning sky from pale blueberry to liquid tangerine.

  3. But I do need to clean.

  4. These kinds of conversations are always so good. She’s asking me questions I haven’t yet been asked before, and that makes a big difference.

  5. But just look at how beautiful it is. He says that this is so much better than driving on I-88.

  6. Oh yeah, I block that.

  7. There’s no soup on the menu. I go with a bahn mi, scarf it down in the car. So flavorful. Way better than eating a burger.

  8. Zoom happy hour with the husband’s mentor and his wife and daughter. We hang up and I start to tear up a little bit too. I am happy to be gone but I do still miss my people.

  9. Dinner with Mare. At Ease pinot noir rosé while listening to the conversation and waiting for the chicken to cook. Acme Levain and some salted butter.

  10. Jolie Laide Trousseau Gris, Failla in a shiner, roast chicken, potato salad with honey dijon mustard, tomatoes with a drizzle of olive oil and maldon salt. The conversation.

  11. We talk and talk and talk. He goes to bed. We talk some more. Do the medicine wheel spread. Mind blown. Literally everything bit of our conversation showing up in the cards. There is work to do. But the work might simply embodying oneself.

  12. One last card.

  13. You know when you meet your people.


Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Seventy-Nine


Ten.One Thousand, One Hundred & Seventy-Seven