Ten.One Thousand, Two Hundred & Thirty-Eight

  1. In the dream I am so excited because I finally find a teacher who agrees with me - maybe he has mild dyslexia! I thank them. I start to wake and realize it’s not real. I will need to find testing on my own.

  2. I know it’s before 5 but I’m hoping it’s not 3. I just lay there and think.

  3. Last day. The official last day. Happy? Relieved? Sad? All the things. But mostly relieved. I can put out one flame on this 9-flame candle.

  4. Am I turning into a workaholic?

  5. Nah. Just fear.

  6. “That does not sound like a break up.”

  7. Arms out to the side, staring out of the window. I watch the yellow leaves shimmy in the breeze. They look so happy.

  8. How sad to not even be excited about cooking any more.

  9. Choosing to turn down projects is a privilege. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.

  10. He was always the best snuggler.


Ten.One Thousand, Two Hundred & Thirty-Nine


Ten.One Thousand, Two Hundred & Thirty-Seven