Ten.One Thousand, Two Hundred & Seventy-Two
3:15. I think I can get myself back to sleep again.
Life as art. Self as the creator.
I need that mouthguard.
I should have written everything down right after I got out of the shower.
Her red hair. Love, love, love her red hair.
She asks me if I’ve been fasting for 10 hours. My order requires that I fast, she says. I tell her that the medical assistant didn’t put that in the email. I suppose I should have remembered that not eating is a part of the process. I guess I’ll be back tomorrow.
Wasting time in the parking lot, eating In-n-Out. “I think Keller is right. This is a superior burger.”
We end up talking in the parking lot while cars zip by. I almost start to walk away without the duck.
I need a nap. I can’t nap.
The sound of the rain falling on the roof. The scent of fire even though nothing is burning.