Alisha Sommer | Essentials for Living

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Ten.One Thousand, Two Hundred & Ninety-Two

  1. I don’t know what time it is, but it’s early. I listen to the wind.

  2. “I’m scared.” “It’s just the wind.” “It sounds like something terrible is going to happen.”

  3. Day 3.

  4. Her voice. The hour goes by so quickly. It’s been too long. We make a date to do it again. I am all for intentional conversations.

  5. The sun is bright and the sky is clear. The wind makes my eyes water. The fan makes a clunking sound as the blades spin. Slender stems of mustard.

  6. Oh, I know who he is.

  7. I tell him that my morning out in the vineyard was a reminder of why we came out here to do what I do.

  8. The littlest one joins in on the afternoon walk. He brings a skateboard. I am scared that he’ll wipe out on one of these steep hills. He doesn’t. He’s fine and he never complains. I do love his sense of adventure.

  9. This webinar is fascinating and I love learning from Charlie Toledo.

  10. Golden State Cider Hamaica.