Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Seventeen

  1. Still sore.

  2. A plate of figs and water. Really missing coffee.

  3. Her voice. A pang of sadness. A swell of gratitude for our friendship.

  4. “The same is true with chasing after signs of success, wealth, or status. We may do it, not because we think it’s important, but because we think others expect it of us. But when we truly see the cost of these pursuits, and the hook in them, we won’t want to keep running after them anymore.” - The Art of Living, Thich Nhat Hanh

  5. Surrendering to sleep.

  6. He drives. I stare out the window. The tourists are pulled over on the sides of roads taking pictures of themselves in the mustard and the sheep grazing between the rows.

  7. I just want to go back to bed.

  8. Too much popcorn.

  9. Lots of laughter on today’s call. The best way to end a Sunday.

  10. Wishing that this one thing was already possible right now. Trying to detach from the yearning. Trying not to stress too much about the timeline. Things will work themselves out. They always do.


Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Eighteen


Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Sixteen