Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Fifty-Seven

  1. Each morning she asks me what my plans are for the day. My answer is almost always the same.

  2. She looks like she is somewhere that I want to be.

  3. I can not forget the mouthguard at night.

  4. The sun is fully up; I’ve eaten a waffle and had a sales call but have not yet had my decaf.

  5. I think I need to move my desk to the other wall to use this space differently.

  6. Warm enough in the sun to take off the sweater.

  7. I appreciate his desire to help me solve my problem, which is really not a problem at all, but maybe an impasse?

  8. “Confidence is a trait that has to be earned honestly and refreshed constantly…. Art is a vast democracy of habit.”

  9. As Ashtin always says, “all of your favs are problematic.”

  10. New neighbors.

  11. He is asleep before me. The pain is keeping me awake. If I can go to sleep, I know it will be gone before tomorrow. I listen to a podcast and play a word game on my phone until I can no longer keep my eyes open.


Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Fifty-Eight


Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Fifty-Six