Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Sixty-One
What time did the frogs stop croaking?
Cold creeping in under the blanket.
I set out the bagels, and no one is eating them. What was even the point?
Sun in my face.
Comfort Zone. Stretch Zone. Panic Zone.
From Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups, by Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun, ChangeWork, 2001: Perfectionism, Sense of Urgency, Defensiveness, Quantity over Quality, Worship of the Written Word, Only One Right Way, Paternalism, Either/Or Thinking, Power Hoarding, Fear of Open Conflict, Individualism, Progress if Bigger, Objectivity, Right to Comfort
Still in stretch mode.
What is my role in this?
I dig more oranges out of my sweater pocket.
I really need to rethink my meal plans moving forward if we’re going to have 2-hour long games on weeknights.
Too tired for ice cream.