Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Sixty-Nine

  1. Morning fog.

  2. I step outside to get my mug from the car. The air is cool and damp. I hear nothing but the quiet sputter of the pond and a little bit of bird chatter.

  3. For a moment I worry that today is already Tuesday and that my week will go by too fast. I remind myself that I am the source of time.

  4. That’s not a number I wanted to see, but I am proud. This is means growth. This means I did a great job.

  5. It was the regular coffee that did it.

  6. Change into a dress. This feels like summer.

  7. Maybe we can figure something out.

  8. More work on a day off. Boundaries. Boundaries.

  9. Cool in the shade.

  10. I bunch the old ranunculus together and hand them upside down to dry.

  11. Forgot the pasta. Got everything but the pasta.


Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Seventy


Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Sixty-Eight