Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Eighty-Seven

  1. The hum of the frost fans.

  2. Owl.

  3. They don’t have what I need.

  4. “Do you feel unsafe?” “No. I just feel uncomfortable.” He reminds me that we chose this place, that we just need to find our right people. I remember that it will take time. A lot more time. It hasn’t even been a year yet.

  5. I lay in bed and watch an episode of Ghost Hunters. He comes up and turns on the Cubs. I fall asleep.

  6. I sleep for almost six hours and I am still tired.

  7. Chicken noodle soup.

  8. We head to the market for a loaf of bread. The guy checking out across from us is wearing a Trump 2020 mask. On the way back to the car, a big black pick-up truck with a black and white American flag, one line half red and blue.

  9. All the cara caras are gone.

  10. 2020 Raft Jonquile.


Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Eighty-Eight


Ten.One Thousand, Three Hundred & Eighty-Six