Alisha Sommer | Essentials for Living

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Ten. One Thousand, Four Hundred & Ten

  1. Holy moly. Too cold.

  2. Loud birds. What time is it?

  3. I make a full pot of regular even though I know I should have decaf.

  4. I am living the life of my dreams.

  5. I wish I had a better poker face.

  6. Control C. Control V.

  7. She shows me the tower of jasmine. You can smell it before you see it, even through the mask.

  8. We sit at the table by the police department and eat our sandwiches. She is a gift from the universe, a harbinger of messages I needed to hear.

  9. Teary-eyed again. I blame my lunch with Jodi.

  10. That was actually a pretty good game.