Ten.One Thousand, Four Hundred & Thirty-Four

  1. The birds are quieter today. Oh wait, the window is closed.

  2. “Do you want coffee?” “No.” “No?” “Yes. Yes, coffee.”

  3. Coffeecake from a box. I clean while it bakes. Kids still asleep. Early but it feels late. The start to a long day.

  4. Oh yeah, basketball camp starts tomorrow.

  5. Why didn’t I think of this years ago? “Sommer Camp,” I laugh to myself.

  6. Laundry. Laundry.

  7. He asks if the stories are true. I say they’re based on facts but still a mystery. But that’s not the same thing as saying they’re true.

  8. So quiet today. No jackhammers. No saws. No leafblowers.

  9. And just like that, they day is done.

  10. Mango popsicle.


Ten.One Thousand, Four Hundred & Thirty-Five


Ten.One Thousand, Four Hundred & Thirty-Three