Ten.One Thousand, Four Hundred & Thirty-Four
The birds are quieter today. Oh wait, the window is closed.
“Do you want coffee?” “No.” “No?” “Yes. Yes, coffee.”
Coffeecake from a box. I clean while it bakes. Kids still asleep. Early but it feels late. The start to a long day.
Oh yeah, basketball camp starts tomorrow.
Why didn’t I think of this years ago? “Sommer Camp,” I laugh to myself.
Laundry. Laundry.
He asks if the stories are true. I say they’re based on facts but still a mystery. But that’s not the same thing as saying they’re true.
So quiet today. No jackhammers. No saws. No leafblowers.
And just like that, they day is done.
Mango popsicle.