Ten.One Thousand, Four Hundred & Ninety-One

  1. Up before the alarm but not mad about it.

  2. Water, water, water.

  3. Revising the schedule.

  4. I write that maybe I’ll stop doing this. I’ll just keep it to myself.

  5. This is taking longer than I thought it would. Type, tab, enter. Tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, enter. Click. This is really a two-screen kind of situation.

  6. A quiet walk.

  7. I stand at the window and watch the butterfly glide and glide and glide. I feel the corners of my mouth turning up.

  8. Western Tiger Swallowtail?

  9. In today’s episode of night court, who ate all the Oreos?

  10. Is there enough ice cream for me?


Ten.One Thousand, Four Hundred & Ninety-Two


Ten.One Thousand, Four Hundred & Ninety