Ten.One Thousand, Six Hundred & Eighty-One

  1. Can’t hear the frogs anymore. Must be after 4 am.

  2. Yoga day.

  3. Stripes of blue-gray and electric orange in the sky.

  4. Soup and fire and hot tea and laying in bed kind of weather.

  5. There is a little bit of sun peeking through the trees. Shovels are stacked on the ground and there are buckets of trees. Pink and blue flags mark the holes. People grab the coast redwoods and place them into holes, water them, take pictures of themselves and their trees. They will come back to see how they’ve grown.

  6. Now I know what poison oak looks like.

  7. I tell them about how she cried again and tried to blame it on me.

  8. More laundry.

  9. Yurt.

  10. Good food but better company.


Ten.One Thousand, Six Hundred & Eighty-Two


Ten.One Thousand, Six Hundred & Eighty